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PSTN Switch Off

 Registration is now closed for this event

image of old phone dial with text overlaid with event title

You will likely be aware that BT & Virgin Media plan to turn off their public switched telephone networks (PSTN) by the end of 2025. After this date all services will be provided using IP based services. This event will introduce the risks and opportunities the PSTN switch off presents for INCA members.

The Risks

Some telecare services, emergency lift lines and property management (fire and alarm systems) will not work at all or consistently on an IP network. There is already an instance following a fibre upgrade occurring where a resident has died as their Care Line product was not reconnected and there are numerous other issues facing Local Authorities and others as a result of complications. The problems may be further exacerbated by the closure of 3G mobile networks as it’s almost a perfect storm of change.

The Opportunity

Local Authorities and Landlords are investing £millions to make sure the services they use will continue to work when the old networks are switched off. Full Fibre networks can help provide many services more efficiently. Agile AltNets are well placed to deliver innovative solutions to stakeholders facing the challenges of PSTN switch off.

At this free INCA event you will hear from:

  • Andrew Parsons - Andrew is running a multi-million pound programme addressing the analogue to digital switchover for two London Boroughs, and
  • Christopher Pateman - consulting editor at Comms Business, which has launched the "Fit To Switch" campaign to raise awareness of the PSTN switch off.

The webinar will run on Zoom. Registered participants will be sent details of the call.

Registration is free of charge.



Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash

October 5th, 2023 2:30 PM  to  3:30 PM