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Connection Labelling

There have been some interesting initiatives and evidence in the area of labelling connections. The Gold Standard will support these.

An up-to-date reference index is on this page.


This was the Gigabit Take-up Advisory Group: a cross-industry group tasked by DCMS to look at ways of increasing Gigabit connection take-up. INCA collaborated with this work. The final report is below. It references a number of initiatives.


One area given in the GigaTAG report  was for Ofcom to explore with industry the development and adoption of "common standards for consumer information on broadband products". Ofcom setup a Working Group and more information about that is on this page.

In early 2023, Ofcom issued a formal consultation on this and the INCA page with more info and links is here.


WIK is an experienced research company who have recently been commissioned by CityFibre to look at the effects of misleading advertising and how this impact take up of full-fibre FTTP connections. Their report and slide deck is below.